
The Classic Style Wedding Dress

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Bridal wear, what kind of wedding dress can shape the slender waist and abundant buttocks? This is necessary to help with the wedding skirt general, large skirt addition to the bride's this desire, but also add a gorgeous momentum Oh. Let's take a up a taste of the people charmed princess wedding dress skirt!

How to shape from the visual effect of slender waist? Skirt A-type contour of visual expansion, so that the ratio of waist and skirt width narrowing.
Bottom of the shape from the visual effect? ​​This is the high point of the skirt profile shape, the hip line is prominent, and the formation of a Bottom.
To look at the classic style ...

Silk Blend Satin Bateau Fabulous Applique Beading Sash Chapel Train Wedding Dress SB3100

1 Rose texture dress
In the upper and lower layers of the wedding, we can see the shape of the crystal box of roses, this exquisite mix, although very low key in shape, but was able to make people visually see the luxurious side. The princess wedding, the use of A-skirt, particularly suitable for hair styling, reflecting the crisp side.
2, flouncing tail skirt
The flouncing itself has a retro style, this dress, the skirt is a crystal satin texture and covering the top is very three-dimensional flouncing. Gives the impression that the layering, and no heavy burden, especially for some of the bride a little thin. The requirements of this dress skirt designed to be grand, and jewelry is also very rich. Like this pearl jewelry and flounced with a retro style to show the most.
Pattern, lace skirt
Retro and modern combine to give people a lot of surprises. Take a look at this design, the front is a round neck Xiaojian, very conservative, embodies elegance; on the back, but it is bold halter style, slender waist section accentuates. And wedding skirt of lace pattern, retro. To avoid veil waist shape, the effect will be even better!
4, arc-shaped skirt
The focus of this wedding dresses is also reflected on the skirt. Panniers and the surface of the multi-layer bias cut soft screen composed of a very elegant shape of an arc-shaped skirt. Adds to the bride and the overall feeling of facial beauty. Wear this wedding dress, suitable for holding the spherical small volume holding flowers ...